May 12, 2021

Why Branding Helps People Care

Startups come in all shapes and sizes, and early stage startups should be focusing on their product. However, once an idea is validated and users are willing pay for the product branding is needed.

Branding is not just a luxury for huge companies

Who you are and why your company exists can be displayed very strategically and consistently across your site, social content, and in every outward facing message. Why you are creating a startup can be very relevant, but it is most effective when your appealing “why” is on top of a great product.

Solving a problem and caring about something is the bare minimum now

There are a lot of smart innovative people solving big problems. Why should anyone care about your idea or solution? Don’t take it personally. Rise to the challenge, and let your passion out in every design choice and communication with the outside world.

Speak to the people you want to help, not yourself

You could have the best idea and product ever made but if no one knows about it then it won’t help anyone. How you communicate your solution, and how you present your company to the world is your brand. That means your business card or email signature all the way up to your social media content strategy. Is your message easy to understand and good to look at? And would I care if I came across your message?

May 12, 2021

Why Branding Helps People Care

Startups come in all shapes and sizes, and early stage startups should be focusing on their product. However, once an idea is validated and users are willing pay for the product branding is needed.

Branding is not just a luxury for huge companies

Who you are and why your company exists can be displayed very strategically and consistently across your site, social content, and in every outward facing message. Why you are creating a startup can be very relevant, but it is most effective when your appealing “why” is on top of a great product.

Solving a problem and caring about something is the bare minimum now

There are a lot of smart innovative people solving big problems. Why should anyone care about your idea or solution? Don’t take it personally. Rise to the challenge, and let your passion out in every design choice and communication with the outside world.

Speak to the people you want to help, not yourself

You could have the best idea and product ever made but if no one knows about it then it won’t help anyone. How you communicate your solution, and how you present your company to the world is your brand. That means your business card or email signature all the way up to your social media content strategy. Is your message easy to understand and good to look at? And would I care if I came across your message?